The unveiling of the monument took place on 13th April 2010, on the 70th anniversary of the Katyn massacre.
The basalt for the obelisk was imported from Równe in Ukraine. This locality used to be one of the most important Polish towns on the eastern frontier. In 1943 the Ukrainian police and Gestapo murdered 1864 people in Równe, including around 100 members of the Home Army.
From this time a plaque listing surnames of 30 victims of the massacre in Katyn, Charkow, and Miednoje is placed on the obelisk every year. The victims were connected with Bochnia either by birth or by their service.
Bochnia joined the country-wide action “Katyn – save from oblivion” by planting “oaks of remembrance” dedicated to the victims listed on the plaques.