
The route commemorates places associated with the tragic history of Jews in Bochnia, and its vicinity, during the Nazi occupation. It consists of 15 points pertaining to the ghetto and its inhabitants. In the middle...
The Synagogue

The synagogue was built by Bochnia Jews during the years 1932 - 1937. Under the Nazis it was desecrated and became a plywood factory and carpentry warehouse. בית הכנסת בנין זה שנבנה בשנים 1932-37 שימש כבית הכנסת
Urban Workshops

The Urban workshops, in this and some other buildings, functioned during the years 1941-1943. They provided work for 3 thousand ghetto inhabitants and enabled the ghetto to exist until 1943. The initiator of the workshops was...
Jewish synagogue

In this area was a Jewish synagogue, desecrated by the Nazis. The kitchen for Urban Workshops' employees was situated there. בית המדרש של חסידי סדיגורה כאן התקיים בית המדרש של חסידי סדיגורה. במהלך המלחמה הוא חולל
Jewish Residential District – the ghetto

In March 1941 the Nazis formed a Jewish residential district in Bochnia, the ghetto. As a result of three liquidation actions (August 1942, November 1942 and September 1943) the ghetto was closed down and its inhabitants were...
The assembly area in the ghetto

During 1 - 4 September 1943, on the square between Bracka St. and Kowalska St., the Nazis gathered together several thousand Jews who were still alive. The sick and the elderly were deported to the Auschwitz extermination camp,...
The building of the Judenrat and the prison

In this building were located the Jewish Council (Judenrat), the Jewish Police (Judischer Ordnungsdienst), and the cells where arrested Jews were tortured. משכן היודנראט ובית הכלא בתקופת קיומו של הגטו שכנה כאן המועצה היהודית (יודנראט),
Place where the Jews were burnt

On 4th September 1943, at the end of Solna Góra St., the Nazi occupation forces burned about 300 Jewish corpses. Of these, were those shot at the assembly area, plus about 200 others shot on...
The monument to the Victims of the Holocaust from Bochnia and the surrounding area

The initiators and founders of the monument were: Miriam Romm, Rachel Kollender and the Association of Bochnia Jews in Israel (2006). The monument is by a world famous sculptor from Israel - Yael Artzi. It shows the...
Hospital and orphanage

In the building located across the street was an Isolation Hospital for the ghetto residents which was closed down on 25 August 1942. The staff and patients were killed in the Niepołomice Forest (Baczków). Afterwards,...
Tragedy of Ackerman family, The underground bunker

Here in July 1942 the Nazis shot dozens of people, including the family of Majer Ackermann, a Bochnia cabman. On 15 December 1942 an underground bunker was discovered on the family property and the Jews who...
The boundary line of the ghetto “A” and the ghetto “B”

On 1 January 1943 the Nazis turned the ghetto into a forced labour camp (Zwangsarbeitslager). Ghetto "A" was built, and the remaining northern part (ghetto "B") housed those unfit to work. The border ran along today's Galasa...
Jewish Cemetery

Numerous Jews were executed in the Jewish cemetery, and it was the burial place of many other Jews murdered both in and outside the ghetto. The cemetery was vandalised by the Nazis and many tombstones...
District Court Courtyard

On 10 November 1942, 146 Jews from the prison in Wiśnicz were brought here to complete the required quota of 1,000 people to be sent to the concentration camp. 3 of them who were ill, and...